Added a Google Translator search option to the translator assistance window.
Saved configurations for playing against engines now appear immediately after pressing Play in the main toolbar.
Introduced a blindfold chess shortcut: ALT-Y to toggle and CTRL-Y to configure.
Polyglot book factory now includes an option to export separate PGN files for white and black games, with the number of games based on position sequences.
New piece set, Berlin, with permission from author Pete Schaefer.
2.17c Playing against an engine, initial positions, added Chess 324 in Variants.
Moved the "Create Trainings" menu back under Train (previously under Export).
Resolved an issue with the second scanner when using multiple monitors.
Reverted the 2.16 change regarding LiChess puzzle imports; accessory files for openings are no longer imported, as the information is included in the original files.
Corrected eBoard activation on all boards by default, which caused issues with tutors and accessory boards.
Fixed an error in Director where arranging graphical elements rendered them unusable.
Addressed a bug in databases where saving a new game multiple times during creation duplicated it.
Corrected an issue in Kibitzer Candidates where analyzing a terminal position (mate/stalemate) blocked other move responses.
Resolved a problem in Train/Openings/Train with a book where Advice functionality was broken.
2.17a For analyzed games, clicking the board coordinates.
2.17b Databases, when editing a game, asks indefinitely if you want to save it.
2.17c Stockfish, best version selection, avx512 not selectable.
2.17c Tourney engines, problem with some UCI options on some engines, which cause them not to perform at the power they are designed for.
2.17d When editing a game, it is not possible to add variations directly with the mouse.
2.17e When editing a game, blocking when variations are added.
2.17f Problem with the support of Armenian language.
Playing against an engine, added a Maintenance option under Save/Restore configurations to sort or hide configurations.
Removed the Ponder option from engine settings, as it is not supported by the program.
Enhanced Kibiterzs with a home icon to return to the original position after moves are made on the board.
General configuration now includes an option to disable mouse shortcuts.
Train/Find All Moves now includes a "Next" button as a shortcut to train the last exercise.
For analyzed games, clicking the board coordinates displays moves from the analysis. "a" shows the played line, while "b" to "h" show other lines ranked from best to worst.
2.17a Navigation in games now allows jumping between main lines and variations using Shift + Arrow keys. From main line to variations Shift + Down/Shift + Up/Shift + Right. From variations to main line, Shift + Up.
Updated lc0 (WINDOWS only), Version 0.31.2, The LCZero Authors,
Updated Stockfish (WINDOWS only, compiled with GCC for better compatibility, though slightly slower than Clang), Version 17, T. Romstad, M. Costalba, J. Kiiski, G. Linscott,
Updated translations
Language Finnish by Heikki J..
Language Chinese_simplified by Zoushen.
Language Hungarian by József Oláh.
Language Portuguese_BR by Laudecir Daniel, Adhoniran Gomes.